16 Oct County Championships 16th October 2022
County Championships 16th October 2022
Tim Gear-Evans rounds up the action in his first county championship row.
The Mount Batten Centre in Plymouth hosted the 2022 County Championships with crews representing, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Devon, Dorset, Bristol, and the Eastern counties.
The weather was surprisingly kind with the sun shining and the wind dropping to ensure fantastic rowing conditions.
The Cornish Pilot Gig Association organised a wonderful spectacle of racing and it was lovely that the County of Cornwall allowed others to race behind them in each event. Cornwall swept the board in every race which shows the strength and class of rowing in the county and what everyone else must do to catch up.
Bristol county was made up from Bristol and Clifton gig clubs. It was a great chance to row together, make new friends, and enjoy a social beer at the end of the day.
For the women, Clifton was represented in the Womens Vets race by Jules, Nina, and Rosie. After a chastising ticking off by the starter on the line, where bristol tried to steal half a length with a cheeky tap up and being told “that was just silly” the crew settled into their business. Cornwall shot off into a lengthy lead. Bristol was left to chase Devon and despite making ground in the back of the race it was too late for them to finish above third. Still a stellar row and never bad to come behind Cornwall or Devon.
In the Mens vets, Clifton was represented by Stephen and Tim. This crew had been excellent in their communication in the week before the event. The type of vigour and enthusiasm you would expect from a group of vets. The obvious, and disappointing, outcome was that we achieved zero practice sessions which seemed pretty obvious in the race itself. Placing 4th.
Back to the womens open crew which had been shocked by the late withdrawal of Caroline from Bristol with a bad back. Hastily re jigging the crew the only logical conclusion was to reunite and install the Clifton power stroke unit, and 80’s tv crime detective partners, Bastin and Gloyns. With Nina and Rosie in the stroke pair, and Deborah taking her place just behind them the crew produced the result of the day for Bristol (hold that thought) taking first place (after Cornwall) a hugely creditable result.
The pressure mounted on the mens open crew to match that second-place result. With Tim and Fraser rowing from Clifton and four of the Bristol lads the boat shifted well and once settled flew around. Sadly, Devon and Cornwall both had a couple of better segments of the course so third was as good as it got.
The end of the proper racing saw an introduction of two soon to be soul mates. Stephen was introduced to Will from Bristol and a meeting of minds blossomed. Their shared love of kit and things being done ‘just so’ is surely the love story for the ages.
As the weather started to turn, the monotony of the presentations to Cornwall took hold, and Stephen’s mind wandered to the pub (in fairness that happened at about midday, so he did well to last) the rowing recommenced. The organisers had four races lined up. Two for the men and two for the women. All names in the hat (apart from Stephen and Fraser). Draw at random, in a random boat, with an appointed Cox.
Sounded fun (until everyone was cold and the heavens unleashed) and so it proved. A great chance to row with people you may never have met before. Serious racing, but apparently not enough to film it, give medals, certificates, or trophies for. But who is really upset about that.
It was raining so I didn’t watch much of the womens races in all honesty, none of the Clifton girls won, but raced hard and had fun, I’m sure. I saved myself for my first race… mistakenly the organisers had drawn in me in stroke. But I tempered my approach and with the benefit of Looe’s world championship Cox we powered into an unassailable lead. The crowd erupted as we crossed the line in first place and the obvious comparisons to Sir Steve began.
Back to the girls… they raced, row row row… you know.
Then the last race of the day, Tim in two this time… a gnarly old sea dog of a Cox barking throughout. The result you ask…? Well, it is no coincidence that I am writing this report. Back-to-back first places cementing my place as the most decorated non-Cornish rower of the day (I made that up but probably is true).
Pub for a quick pint of scrumpy cider (Debs pissed after her free half of ‘tasting cider’) and all the potato and pig-based snacks you could eat. We were joined by our new friends Andy and Martin from Bristol who made themselves incredibly popular with the addition of pickled eggs for all the crew. Eat up Rosie!! Hoorah
Back to Bristol and onwards to the next regatta at Clevedon…
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